Class divisions
Categories INBA (Amateur classes)
- Bikini Diva’s juniors (18-23 y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Masters (40+ y/o)
- Bikini Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Ultra Masters (60+ y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Open
- Bodybuilding Teens (15-17 with parents permission)
- Bodybuilding Junior (18-23 y/o)
- Bodybuilding Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Bodybuilding Masters (40+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Ultra Masters (60+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Open
- Classic Physique Juniors (18-23 y/o)
- Classic Physique Junior masters (35-39 y/o)
- Classic Physique Masters (40+ y/o)
- Classic Physique Open
- Figure Junior (18-23 y/o).
- Figure Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Figure Open
- Figure Masters (40+ y/o)
- Figure Grand Masters (50+y/o)
- Men’s Athletic Open
(weight/height limited) (height in cm, minus 103 = max stage weight). Example: 180cm – 103 = 77 kg stage weight.
- Wellness Open
- Women’s Bodybuilding
- Women’s Physique
- Mens Physique Junior (18-23 y/o)
- Mens Physique Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Mens Physique masters (40+ y/o)
- Mens Physique Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Mens Physique Open
Categories PNBA (Pro classes)
Mens Bodybuilding
Classic Physique
Athletic Physique
Mens Physique
Bikini Diva’s
Women’s Bodybuilding
Womens Physique
Membership to the DFNA is payed together with the entery fee of Open Danish Championship.
If you have a valid international qualification, that you wish to use, without participating in Open Danish Championship the same year – then you have to make sure your membership is payed before entering the desired show to the following:
Reg nr: 9323
Konto nr: 0018209748
Remember to put your full name on the transfer, as reference.
After this – send an email to the federation ( with the message confirming your payed Membership fee and which contest show is desired. You will now receive an entry-form and an anti-doping policy, that both needs to be returned filled out and signed.

Weigh in & Registration
To make the registration as time-efficient as possible, there will be specific time-schedule with slots for each country to register as a group. We recommend all teams to have a team-captain that takes responsibility for the whole national team at the registration. Once the whole team is registered, a photographer will take a group-photo of the whole team together.
We recommend that teams wear a national team-suit for the registration.
Athletes will receive the registration time-schedule 1 week before the contest, by e-mail. We will also post this on social media (instagram:
1. How to qualify:
To register you need to be qualified through either a national championship and/or an International event within the INBA / PNBA federation.
2. European Elite Tour Membership:
To compete at the European Championships every athlete needs to have a “European Elite-tour Membership”. Click link below:
3. How to register for the competion:
Registration for the European Championships 2024 starts the 1st of April and can be done on the page: “register” on this website.
Registration ends the 11 of October 2024.
Make sure you follow the rules of your country when entering the contest.
Once you have registeret for the Competition, and we have all the required documents, you will receive a confirmation of your entry!
Urinetesting, Bloodtesting & Polygraphing
Urine & blood-testing
At the event ‘Global Quality Sports GmbH’ will ensure a fair competition, and are the ones responsible for the doping testing. The athletes can both be picked out for urine and/or blood testing if necessary. The drugtesting taking place tests for all prohibited substances mentioned in “WADA’s prohibited list”. Click link below:
Athletes who needs to be tested will also be accompanied by a chaperon the entire time from getting off-stage until they are tested.
At the registration athletes will be picked for polygraphing, which takes place on both friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th. The polygraphing in Denmark is very thurrel, and takes between 30-60-minutes per athlete.
In case of a positive test result act athlete will be disqualified from the competition. Any prizes won must be retuned to the organisation. Membership of the INBA/PNBA will be ended immediately, and after investigation by out antid-doping committee the athlete and the founds substance / compounds will be published on the “hall of shame” and be fined a 1000 euro fine for the athlete. The WADA Guidelines are followed, and by registering for this competition, the athlete automatically agrees on the competition rules and gives permission to voluntarily participate in any relevant doping-testing.
If an athlete refuses to being drug tested, the athlete will automatically be disqualified, with no refund.
Spray tan:
Copenhagen Tan will provide excellent tanning service the whole weekend. Their professional team will ensure that you have the required layer of coats to look perfect onstage and provide both touch-ups & glazing backstage. You can book their service here.
Click link below:
We recommend you just book any random time-slot, and once the tanning- team knows the official timeplan, they will adjust the time, so it fits with your class. You will receive a message from Copenhagen Tan with your final time for tanning.
Photo & Video-services
Do you want stage-photos and video material from the European Championships? Snedled Media will make sure to catch your best moments on-stage. Click the link and see more details!
You have the option to get both video’s, photo’s or a combination of both:
Click the link below:
“Hotel Randers” – Address: Torvegade 11, 8900 Randers – Denmark.
if you register as an athlete and send them your European Elite tour membership account as a proof that you are a competitor, you will receive a 20-30% discount depending on the room you choose!
Contact hotel ny e-mail: ( Or by phone: (0045 86423422)
Other options:
We also have “Hotel Kronjylland – Best Western” where the DFNA has reserved 50 rooms for athletes. You can book your hotel room through this link:
Class divisions
Categories INBA (Amateur classes)
- Bikini Diva’s juniors (18-23 y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Masters (40+ y/o)
- Bikini Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Ultra Masters (60+ y/o)
- Bikini Diva’s Open
- Bodybuilding Teens (15-17 with parents permission)
- Bodybuilding Junior (18-23 y/o)
- Bodybuilding Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Bodybuilding Masters (40+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Ultra Masters (60+ y/o)
- Bodybuilding Open
- Classic Physique Juniors (18-23 y/o)
- Classic Physique Junior masters (35-39 y/o)
- Classic Physique Masters (40+ y/o)
- Classic Physique Open
- Figure Junior (18-23 y/o).
- Figure Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Figure Open
- Figure Masters (40+ y/o)
- Figure Grand Masters (50+y/o)
- Men’s Athletic Open
(weight/height limited) (height in cm, minus 103 = max stage weight). Example: 180cm – 103 = 77 kg stage weight.
- Wellness Open
- Women’s Bodybuilding
- Women’s Physique
- Mens Physique Junior (18-23 y/o)
- Mens Physique Junior Masters (35-39 y/o)
- Mens Physique masters (40+ y/o)
- Mens Physique Grand Masters (50+ y/o)
- Mens Physique Open
Categories PNBA (Pro classes)
Mens Bodybuilding
Classic Physique
Athletic Physique
Mens Physique
Bikini Diva’s
Women’s Bodybuilding
Womens Physique
Membership to the DFNA is payed together with the entery fee of Open Danish Championship.
If you have a valid international qualification, that you wish to use, without participating in Open Danish Championship the same year – then you have to make sure your membership is payed before entering the desired show to the following:
Reg nr: 9323
Konto nr: 0018209748
Remember to put your full name on the transfer, as reference.
After this – send an email to the federation ( with the message confirming your payed Membership fee and which contest show is desired. You will now receive an entry-form and an anti-doping policy, that both needs to be returned filled out and signed.

Weigh in & Registration
To make the registration as time-efficient as possible, there will be specific time-schedule with slots for each country to register as a group. We recommend all teams to have a team-captain that takes responsibility for the whole national team at the registration. Once the whole team is registered, a photographer will take a group-photo of the whole team together.
We recommend that teams wear a national team-suit for the registration.
Athletes will receive the registration time-schedule 1 week before the contest, by e-mail. We will also post this on social media (instagram:
1. How to qualify:
To register you need to be qualified through either a national championship and/or an International event within the INBA / PNBA federation.
2. European Elite Tour Membership:
To compete at the European Championships every athlete needs to have a “European Elite-tour Membership”. Click link below:
3. How to register for the competion:
Registration for the European Championships 2024 starts the 1st of April and can be done on the page: “register” on this website.
Registration ends the 11 of October 2024.
Make sure you follow the rules of your country when entering the contest.
Once you have registeret for the Competition, and we have all the required documents, you will receive a confirmation of your entry!
Urinetesting, Bloodtesting & Polygraphing
Urine & blood-testing
At the event ‘Global Quality Sports GmbH’ will ensure a fair competition, and are the ones responsible for the doping testing. The athletes can both be picked out for urine and/or blood testing if necessary. The drugtesting taking place tests for all prohibited substances mentioned in “WADA’s prohibited list”. Click link below:
Athletes who needs to be tested will also be accompanied by a chaperon the entire time from getting off-stage until they are tested.
At the registration athletes will be picked for polygraphing, which takes place on both friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th. The polygraphing in Denmark is very thurrel, and takes between 30-60-minutes per athlete.
In case of a positive test result act athlete will be disqualified from the competition. Any prizes won must be retuned to the organisation. Membership of the INBA/PNBA will be ended immediately, and after investigation by out antid-doping committee the athlete and the founds substance / compounds will be published on the “hall of shame” and be fined a 1000 euro fine for the athlete. The WADA Guidelines are followed, and by registering for this competition, the athlete automatically agrees on the competition rules and gives permission to voluntarily participate in any relevant doping-testing.
If an athlete refuses to being drug tested, the athlete will automatically be disqualified, with no refund.
Spray tan:
Copenhagen Tan will provide excellent tanning service the whole weekend. Their professional team will ensure that you have the required layer of coats to look perfect onstage and provide both touch-ups & glazing backstage. You can book their service here.
Click link below:
We recommend you just book any random time-slot, and once the tanning- team knows the official timeplan, they will adjust the time, so it fits with your class. You will receive a message from Copenhagen Tan with your final time for tanning.
Photo & Video-services
Do you want stage-photos and video material from the European Championships? Snedled Media will make sure to catch your best moments on-stage. Click the link and see more details!
You have the option to get both video’s, photo’s or a combination of both:
Click the link below:
“Hotel Randers” – Address: Torvegade 11, 8900 Randers – Denmark.
if you register as an athlete and send them your European Elite tour membership account as a proof that you are a competitor, you will receive a 20-30% discount depending on the room you choose!
Contact hotel ny e-mail: ( Or by phone: (0045 86423422)
Other options:
We also have “Hotel Kronjylland – Best Western” where the DFNA has reserved 50 rooms for athletes. You can book your hotel room through this link: